Hisham Allam

Hisham Allam is the head deputy of the investigation department at the Cairo based independent newspaper Almasry Alyoum, where he has written about environmental and economic issues and political corruption. He published articles in Teen Stuff, a monthly youth magazine, from 2004 until 2006, at which point he started writing for Almasry Alyoum. He also produces a weekly investigative reporting talk show on the Egyptian CBC channel. In addition to serving as a media mentor with a UN training program in northern Sudan throughout the Presidential elections of 2010, he has lectured at Charles University in Prague and New York University. He was awarded a 2011 award by the Arij Organization in Amman for reporting on the Arab spring. He received his degree from Al-Azhar University in Cairo.

Mo’uth Freihat

Mouth Freihat is an independent investigative journalist  with thirteen years reporting on the Arab world. He covered corruption and governance issues for Thomson Reuters Foundation and was managing editor of al Maqar.com, a major online news site in Jordan, for two years. A former financial reporter for Al Arab Al Youm, a Jordanian daily, Freihat also worked as a correspondent for several magazines on scholarly journals the politics and economy of the Gulf States. He has bachelor’s degree in international relations and strategic studies from Hashemite University in Jordan.

Hanan Solayman

Hanan Solayman is a freelance journalist based in Cairo, and editor of EMAJ, an online English magazine published by the Euro-Mediterranean Academy for Young Journalists, which is based in Sweden. She is also building her own start-up, Mandara, a non-profit portal for local news in Upper Egypt. Solayman’s work has been published in the daily el-Shorouk, and in el-Hayat and el-Sharq el-Awsat, pan Arab newspapers, Community Times, an English magazine, the Silent Heros Invisible Bridges website and the English version of the OnIslam website. Previously, Solayman was the rotating head of the foreign desk at Rose Elyoussef daily newspaper, a producer at the al-Hayah Egyptian satellite channel and a freelancer for the el-Sharq el-Awsat newspaper. She has been a co-trainer for Thomson Reuters Foundation in Cairo. Solayman is a fellow of EMAJ, the World Press Institute, and the International Vistior Leadership Program. She received her B.A. from Cairo University.

Ali Zalat

Ali Zalat is the deputy editor of investigations at the independent al-Masry al-Youm (Egypt Today), based in Cairo. He was also a program producer of the Dream Satellite Channel morning program, the CBC Egyptian Satellite Channel (Lazem Nafham), and the “We Should Understand” program. He has been awarded the Arabian Journalism Prize from the Dubai Club for Journalism for his investigative reporting as well as second prize for best investigative journalism about Human Rights in Egypt by the United Nations Developmental Program and Al-Ahram International Institute of Journalism. He is also a fellow of the Mohamed Hassaneed Hikal Institution for Arabian Journalism and Arieg Institution. He has studied at the Thomson Institute for Journalism in London, and is a graduate of Cairo University.